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The Centre of Indian Trade Unions vehemently denounces the utterly humiliating and derogatory statement by the Prime Minister against the struggling farmers and their supporters on the floor of Parliament.

The Prime Minister called the struggling farmers demanding repeal of the draconian farm laws and Electricity Amendment Bill 2020 as “Andolan-jeevi” influenced by “Foreign Destructive Ideology” (FDI).

Unnerved by the growing support for the farmers’ demands and their determined struggle to achieve their just demands the Prime Minister has resorted to ridiculing ‘andolan’ itself, the basic right of the people in and the pillar of a democratic society. True to the traditions of our Independence struggle against the British, the farmers have been peacefully protesting against the farm laws that threaten to snatch away their land and livelihood. The Prime Minister’s intolerance obviously stems from the philosophy of RSS having no role in the Independence struggle and its abject surrender before British imperialism. Today his government has surrendered itself to the interests of the big corporates, domestic and foreign.

Today the Prime Minister is heading a ‘corporate jeevi’ government that treats the farmers, producing food for the country and its people as enemies, just to serve the profit greedy parasitic corporate class. To call the farmers ‘parajeevis’ (parasites) is the height of shamelessness.

Such abuses of the farmers as being ‘Khalistanis’, ‘anti nationals’, ‘terrorists’ etc, lies of the movement being confined to only one state, and being ‘mislead’ have all failed. The latest desperate attempt to deride the protests is sure to fail.

CITU strongly condemns all these attempts of the ruling BJP and its leaders for the naked display of their lack of any respect for democracy and intolerance for dissent and protests. Such authoritarian and abusive approach in fact stems from the ideology of Hitler and Mussolini, the most destructive  and disastrous ideology the country has ever seen. It asserts that it is the BJP government that is responsible for the rising tides of protests, not only from the farmers but the workers and other sections of toiling people as well. CITU demands that the government should immediately repeal the three farm laws, withdraw the Electricity Amendment Bill and also scrap the anti worker labour codes immediately and stop abusing and humiliating the people raising their voices. Otherwise ‘andolans’ will only increase.

Issued by
(Tapan Sen)
General Secretary


THE Centre of Indian Trade Unions congratulates the workers and people for their collective initiative to resist the disastrous move of the Govt to privatise Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, RINL through strategic sale.

The Visakhapatnam Steel Plant came into being following peoples’ consistent struggle and agitation for setting up integrated steel plant in Visakhapatnam. Right from the inception, the entire project had faced numerous difficulties and roadblocks by the vested interests but all could be defeated and Vizag Steel Plant was built up and got stabilized. Since then the RINL has consistently improved its operational efficiency and undertaken modernization and expansion successfully and workers played a great role in that process. RINL could consistently contribute to national exchequer in the form of dividend and taxes for quite a long time besides providing employment to a large number of people both directly and also contributing immensely to community development. And such signal achievement RINL could make despite being grossly discriminated by way of denial of allotment of captive iron-ore/coal mines vis-à-vis other integrated steel plants. The very idea of privatization of such an efficient steel plant with huge potential is a reflection of a destructive and sabotaging attitude towards national interests.

It is welcome that people  and the working class of Visakhapatnam or in that matter the entire Andhra Pradesh responded immediately in an appropriate language of united agitation to the disastrous and most retrograde move of the BJP Govt with a determination of not to allow such dubious intent to materialize. Ongoing agitation against privatization of Vizag Steel Plant is being participated by all the trade unions and also the people en masse.

CITU extends solidarity to such united struggle of the people and workers to resist the nefarious move to hand over RINL to private hands and calls upon the working people in general to express solidarity to the ongoing struggle at Visakhapatnam. Everywhere privatization move must be resisted and must not be allowed to materialize through peoples’ collective action and intervention in order to defend the nation and the national economy.

Issued by
(Tapan Sen)
General Secretary 

The budget presented by the Finance Minister is full of rhetoric and far away from the ground realities. It is totally deceptive and destructive for the national economy, besides being cruelly insensitive to the suffering of mass of the toiling people. The Finance Minister has repeated the claim of Government's economic survey that the labour codes are good for the workers, similarly the farm laws were also praised. She has actually extended, rather repeated her presentation of the same deceptive packages announced in the month of may 2020.

The budget is friendly to Indian and foreign Corporate and continues to give huge concessions, reduction in tax for them and increase in the cess on common man. The common masses are burdened more when there is crisis for their livelihood itself.   

The budget continues its policy of selling our public sector banks, enhancing FDI in Insurance sector to 74% besides pushing through aggressive disinvestment in LIC, and pursuing privatisation in almost all profit making public sector enterprises while announcing closure in all loss-making PSUs including those in core and strategic sectors. The stated target of raising upto Rs. 1.75 lakh crore from disinvestment of profit making Public Sector Enterprises exposes the destructive motives and bankruptcy of the government.

The allocation in the MGNREGA faces a drastic reduction compared to expenditure last year despite the fact that this scheme had proved to be a relief to many of the people losing jobs due to pandemic and the rural job-crisis is still continuing. There are no suggestions for job generation which is the dire need for revival of economy. Rather the allocation for jobs and skill development is reduced by 35%. There are hollow claims that the jobs will be created through projected Investments, which is a sheer sound-bite with no substance  given the track record of the Government and the private corporate despite huge concessions granted to them during last six years. There was urgent need for urban employment scheme to address the distress caused in the cities during Covid -19 and increasing high unemployment rate. Even the allocations for ICDS and Mid-day-meal faced a drastic cut in the Budget.

The budget gives olive branch to the defaulters to continue their loot of peoples money with declaration that the files of more than three years period of income tax defaulters will not be opened. There is another tax holiday year for the Start Up projects as well as concessions on their capital gains. Service sector and specially the hospitality industry which suffered hugely during lockdown has not received attention of the government. Once again the myth is repeated that with growth, jobs will automatically get created. While talking of migrant workers, none of the necessary concerns of theirs was taken note of but the only statement comes about extension of one year for credit relief for housing.

All announcements on infrastructure spending as in the past do not give any guarantee of things getting implemented and the five states are specially targeted keeping forthcoming elections in mind.

The budget on health allocation is much below the ground the expectations if we recall the ridiculously low allocations in the previous budgets; this ignores the grim reality of our poor public health system at all levels which needs immediate serious attention. It is totally ignoring covid-warriors like health, sanitation workers, and unorganised at large. Also, this budget does nothing to strengthen the purchasing capacity of common people and thus revival of economy.

The education is also ignored and talk of opening 100 Army schools through NGOs raises several doubts on the intentions of the government as because the existing Army schools about 39 are under neglect.  

MSME sector, worst affected during pandemic with workers losing crores of jobs, does not receive the needed attention of the government for its revival.

There is no relief to the farmers’ rather the government has only announced the increase of threshold for taking loans. It is a cruel joke on the farming community which is already finding itself in tight corner and is already entrenched in debt. The demands of the farmers are totally ignored rather the farm laws are being praised by the government as a boon to them, when they are braving all odds seeking their total repeal.

The budget has totally ignored the poor masses and their needs. The Government has stood for the Corporates and abandoned the common masses pushing Indian economy further into mess.

In the given background the joint platform of Central Trade Unions and the independent sectoral federations/associations calls upon the unions and working class to observe nationwide protest on 3rd February demanding

  1. Scrapping of labour codes and electricity bill 2020

      2    No privatisation

      3    Income support and food support to all poor workers’ households

      4    Against anti-people policies as reflected by union budget

Protest day to be observed through massive demonstrations/mobilizations at the workplaces, and industrial centres/areas and also burning the copies of the Labour Codes.

The Joint Platform of Central Trade Unions and Independent Federations calls upon the trade unions and workers in general to carry on intensive campaign in all the workplaces and in residential areas throughout the country against the destructive anti-worker, anti-farmer and anti-national policies of the Govt. and make the above programmes a massive success to pave the way for further combative struggles including multiple day’s strike in the days to come to fight, defy and resist the destructive and anti-national policy regime. 

        INTUC                     AITUC                    HMS                     CITU                       AIUTUC

          TUCC                SEWA                      AICCTU                     LPF                    UTUC

                                And Independent Federations and Associations

The Union Budget 2021-22 demonstrated the continuity of same cruel indifference to the continuing distress and sufferings thrust upon the mass of the working people. Although the Finance Minister talked lavishly on the need to enhance expenditure substantially focused on augmentation of  consumption demand of the people  and enhance measures for their well-being, to combat the economic slowdown,  the total  proposed budgetary expenditure for 2021-22, remained almost at the same level as that in 2020-21(revised estimate ) meaning thereby a fall in real terms.

The lavish statement of the Minister on her Govt’s commitment to peoples’ well being and livelihood does not, as usual, match with the actual allocations particularly in the social sector and welfare related expenditures like MNREGA, ICDS, Mid day meal, jobs & skill development etc. In MNREGA, Budget drastically cut down allocation by 41% of what the Govt actually spent last year in 2020-21 although the rural unemployment and joblessness have increased phenomenally.   In Mid-day meal, allocation has been cut down by Rs 1400 crore from what has been spent actually last year. In ICDS, the allocation has been reduced by 30% compared to allocation in last year’s budget. In jobs& skill development, allocation has been cut down by 35% compared to allocation in the last budge mocking at tall talks by the Minister on improving employment generation and employability. There are many other examples. The Finance Minister also indicated the Govt move to “bring down the number of Centrally Sponsored Schemes” in line with the recommendation of the 15th Finance Commission.

Entire emphasis of the Budgetary exercise remained on promoting “ease of doing business” for the corporates and big business, both foreign and domestic, by way of easing the burden of compliance of their statutory obligations under Companies Act, and also in the matter of direct tax assessment and recovery of unpaid taxes, besides numerous exemptions on various heads.

While lamenting on financial crunch and low revenue generation during the pandemic period, Finance Minister did not utter a single word about the need to recover huge accumulation of unpaid direct taxes (Corporate and Income Tax)  of Rs 10,57 lakh crore in the process of their last five year rule; of this Rs 2.29 lakh crore tax dues are under any dispute and yet remained unrecovered. During same five year period the corporate tax rate have been drastically slashed down statedly for promoting  better compliance. Promoting tax evasion by corporates with impunity has become the hallmark of the “ease of doing business policy” of the Modi Govt, which tantamount to sponsored loot of national exchequer.

In essence entire budgetary exercise and the reforms of tax administration and governance described therein is a  commentary of measures promoting noncompliance of statutory obligations under Companies Act, Labour Laws etc by the corporate/big-business—all in the name of “ease of doing Business”. Concessions announced for MSMEs are just non-consequential.

Budget has arrogantly reiterated its programme of wholesale privatization programme of mostly profit making PSUs, while declaring closure of all loss making PSUs, even those in core and strategic sector like pharmaceuticals, heavy manufacturing etc. The entire focus is on selling the assets including land at the disposal of these PSUs, Railways, Ports etc under their programme of monetization combined with privatisation. The Govt appears to be in a haste in its selling spree of national assets. Rs 1.75 lakh crore is targeted to be garnered through privatization in the current fiscal. 

Even in Railways, Urban Transport, gas-pipe lines and also electricity discom  sector, reforms proposed by the Govt are virtually privatization through PPP route.  Increasing FDI to 74% in Insurance Sector along with pushing through IPO in LIC  and privatization of public sector banks after recapitalization from national exchequer are disastrous as well as destructive proposition aimed at handing over the control of financial sector to private hands under their touted programme of “Minimum Government”. Even after the grim experience of the pandemic period, public health infrastructure has not been spared. Budget talked lavishly about expanding the public health infrastructure up to block level but its execution is slated to be in PPP route through private health business operators.

Reduction in customs duty on steel semis and scrap is going to affect severely the domestic steel industry, particularly the integrated steel plants, both in public and private sector. All talks of promoting manufacturing sector as per their so called Atmanirbhar project are nothing but hollow announcement and basically aimed at incentivizing the corporate class, both foreign and domestic, out of national exchequer without any performance accountability. Huge concessions have already flown to these corporate since last six years under the same government, but nothing has been delivered by them either in terms of productive investment or employment generation. Same deceptive game has also been played by this Budget as well. In totality, the policy of the Govt continues to be destructive for the national economy as a whole. In this background the projection of 11% growth in 2021-22 appears to be kind of sound bites without much substance. 

The statement of the finance minister citing Labour Codes that they will ensure universal social security and statutory minimum wage for all is totally devoid of truth. These Labour Codes are going to abolish all labour rights including that to even ask for social security and minimum wage and that is why the entire trade union movement has rejected forthright these Labour Codes and demanded their scrapping.

On Agriculture, despite all tall claims by Finance Minister on MSP, fact remains that MSP regime covers only 6% of the crop and MSP being paid does not cover mostly even the production cost, it being far below the formula of C2+50% rate recommended by Swaminathan Commission. And after execution of the draconian Farm Laws, which are at present put on hold because of farmers’ ongoing struggle, even MSP system will no more exist as a right of our farmers. That is why farmers are on united struggle demanding repeal of Farm Laws and statutory provision of MSP and procurement covering all crops and based on C2+50% formula. The Budget remained non-responsive on this vital aspect.

On the whole Budget does not provide anything for the people, did nothing for addressing the severe unemployment situation, no direct relief to people under severe distress through income and food support.  It carries forward the  same anti-people  destructive policies through this Budget as well which deserves outright condemnation by the working people. 

Issued by
( Tapan Sen )
General Secretary

The Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) congratulates the farmers of our country and their united platform for the massive kisan parade on the Republic Day both at national capital and in hundreds of districts across the country to defend our country’s self reliance, food and energy security and the rights enshrined in our Constitution

The kisan parade on the Republic Day virtually became a peoples’ parade drawing crores of people in addition to farmers, agricultural workers, workers and people from all walks of lives throughout the country. People in thousands waited on the sides of the roads and greeted the parade, in all the places that it took place. This clearly demonstrates the overwhelming support to the farmers’ demands and struggle as well as the strong opposition to the to the draconian and destructive policies of the BJP government led by Modi.

CITU condemns the attempts by some disruptive forces, working as the agents of the ruling party to malign the movement by resorting to anarchy and creating unwelcome incidents at Delhi by deviating from the unitedly agreed upon programme. This is nothing but a ploy to divert the attention of the country from the main issues of farmers. The Samyukta Kisan Sangharsh Morcha (SKM) has unequivocally condemned these activities of such disruptive forces.

CITU appreciates the fact that the overwhelming majority of the tractors and farmers paraded peacefully and in a disciplined manner through the routes that were agreed upon by the Samyukt Kisan Morcha. It denounces the police for resorting to lathi charge, use of tear gas and water cannons on the peaceful demonstration the farmers.

The kisan parade on the Republic Day demonstrates the discipline, commitment and resolve of the farmers to continue the united struggle under their united platform for achieving repeal of the draconian farm laws and the Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2020. CITU is fully confident that no agent provocateur of the ruling classes can distract them and disrupt their united struggle.

CITU demands the government to concede the genuine demands of the farmers and repeal the three farm laws and withdraw the Electricity Amendment Bill 2020 immediately

Issued by
(Tapan Sen)
 General Secretary 

The meeting between the representatives of the Joint Platform of Central Trade Unions and the Samyukta Sangharsh Morcha of farmers held on 22nd January congratulated the farmers and their organisations for their determined struggles on their just demands. The meeting paid homage to the farmers who lost their lives during the course of the protests.

It is more than 58 days since lakhs of farmers have been protesting at the borders of Delhi braving cold, rains and inclement weather demanding repeal of the three ‘black’ farm acts and withdrawal of the Electricity Amendment Bill 2020 and legal guarantee for MSP for all crops along with assured government procurement. The meeting appreciated the firm unity and resolve displayed by the farmers’ organisations in the midst of the government’s vilification campaign branding the farmers as Khalistanis, terrorists, etc, using the ‘godi’ corporate controlled media and its troll army.

The meeting deplored the use of NIA, ED, Income tax department and imposing criminal cases to threaten and intimidate the leadership of the agitation and innocent farmers. It demanded that the Central Government take cognizance of widening support to Kisan agitation, stop delaying tactics and accept the just demands of the Farmers graciously at once.

The meeting also appreciated the active support and solidarity expressed by all sections of people, particularly the workers and the trade unions, who have been in the front line in solidarity actions across the country. Thousands of workers are participating in all the protest actions called by the Samyukta Kisan Morcha all over the country and actively campaigning in support of the farmers’ demands. Thousands of workers are getting ready to participate in the Kisan Parade on 26th January at the national capital and in different parts of the country.

The meeting emphasised that the growing unity of working class and the farmers in the fight against the three farm acts, four labour codes, privatisation and sale of  national assets and loot by the corporate, and in defence of democratic rights is historic and in the interest of the entire nation. It was decided to further strengthen the unity of the workers and farmers and intensify their struggles. It was also decided to explore the possibilities of joint struggles against the anti people policies of the NDA government in the future.

INTUC                     AITUC                    HMS                     CITU                       AIUTUC

TUCC                SEWA                      AICCTU                     LPF                    UTUC


Representatives of AIKSCC

The Centre of Indian Trade Unions denounces the destructive as well as desperate move of the Govt to further divest 10 per cent shares of public sector Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL). This is nothing but putting the valuable national assets on auction to the detriment of national interests and for the benefits of private corporate.    

Already around 25% percent shares of SAIL have been sold out in the market by successive governments. This time when SAIL has been facing a difficult situation financially, followed by sharp decline in share price to around Rs 74, putting SAIL under further disinvestment tantamount to a shameless sabotage of a Maharatna Company like SAIL with a huge asset base by its owner Govt. This is nothing but pushing SAIL towards phased privatization that too at throw away prices only to benefit the private corporate, both foreign and domestic. The Department of Privatisation under Govt of India, the infamous DIPAM has put SAIL shares under Offer for Sale (OFS) today at a floor price of Rs 64 per share thereby further reducing the offer price from the level of market price.

The entire trade union movement of the country are opposing such sabotaging activities of the Govt by way of reckless disinvestment and privatization of country’s PSUs facilitating a loot on national assets by private corporate, both foreign and domestic. Decision of disinvestment in SAIL that too at a bottom level offer price is another desperate step in that direction and working people must unitedly oppose such destructive move.

CITU calls upon the working class and the steel workers movement in particular to voice their united protest and condemnation to the Govt move for disinvestment of share in SAIL.     

Issued by
(Tapan Sen)
General Secretary 

The joint Platform of Central Trade Union Organisations term the so-called  tripartite consultations by the Ministry of Labour.  Govt. of India, as Farce. They again demand physical meetings with adequate duration.

The Joint Platform of Central Trade Union Organisations have written a letter to the Minister for Labour and Employment, responding to yet another invitation for video conference proposed for 12th January on framing of rules on the Code on Social Security and Code on Occupational Health and Safety and Working Conditions.

The government has failed to take cognizance of our previous letter addressed on 22nd December demanding physical meetings for discussion on such a serious matter which would have long lasting adverse impact on the lives of more than 50 crores work force of our country and the negation of collective bargaining as a core fundamental right of workers. (The letters dated 22nd December 2020 and 9th January 2021 attached). We have been critical of adoption of labour codes by flouting all Parliamentary norms without discussion in absence of the entire opposition from the Parliament and without Tripartite consultations. Instead of taking our objections seriously, the government is trying to create a farce of Tripartite consultations by setting up this kind of video conference when we know that the physical meetings of the government at various levels are taking place including the negotiations with the farmers as well as the election preparation rallies in various states etc. One can understand if along with the physical meeting a few of those who find it difficult to travel due to special circumstances could be provided online facility also. But to deny the serious exercise through physical meetings smells of willful anti labour instance on the part of the Government. We reiterate that we do not want to be a part of this farce. Nor the CTUs and the workers in general are going to accept the Codes as well as the rules lying down.



The joint platform of Central trade union organisations have written on  22nd December  2020 to the Minister for Labour and Employment to conduct a physical meeting for discussion on framing of rules for each of the four codes separately for any fruitful discussions in the matter. (The letter is attached herewith).

They are of the opinion that this kind of exercise, involving more than a score of stakeholders, through one single day video conference, on the draft rules of all the four labour codes, is meant only for the record and would serve no fruitful purpose. They are of the opinion that this exercise is being under taken only to meet the criticism that this Government at centre is violating tripartite consultations, as on the one hand they cancel the winter session of the parliament, while on the other, throwing all precautions of distancing during the Covid pandemic, for the election campaign and their political rallies etc. Hence the undersigned central trade unions will not be a part of such a farce.

         INTUC                     AITUC                    HMS                     CITU                       AIUTUC

          TUCC                     SEWA                      AICCTU                     LPF                    UTUC

After the successful Bharat Bandh on 8th December called by the Farmers jointly, the Central Government cannot call this a “Punjab question” any more. Invitation by Home Minister, Shri Amit Shah to Farmers’ representatives from Punjab as well as from other states, is an acceptance of this fact. 

The Joint Platform of Central Trade Unions and Independent Sectoral Federations/Associations are closely following the machinations of the Centre, such as planting alleged NIA reports of instigation by SJF from Canada, alleged letter bearing lakhs of signatures of the Haryana Farmers backing the Agri-laws, offer to amend laws and many other such deceitful diversionary tactics have failed to make any headway against the demand to repeal the three Agri-laws that itself has become a material force.

The Joint Platform of Central Trade Unions and Independent Sectoral Federations/Associations reiterate their wholehearted support to the ongoing united struggles of the farmers demanding scrapping of draconian Agri-laws, Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2020 and legislation guaranteeing MSP.

We have once again received letter from the Samyukta Morcha of Kisans for their appreciation of continued support from the Central Trade Union organisations for their justified struggle. They have informed us the next phase of their action programmes with request to extend support.

The Samyukta Morcha of farmers’ organizations has decided the following action programmes;

  • From 12 December to block the Delhi- Jaipur National Highway.
  • From 12 December to open Toll Plazas throughout the country.
  • State/local level actions of the farmers on 14th December 2020.
  • Boycott the Products of Ambani and Adani like Jio, Reliance Malls, Adani Fresh etc.

The Joint Platform of CTUs and Sectoral Federations/Associations call upon the workers, employees and their unions, irrespective of affiliations, to be ever vigilant and extend our active solidarity to the call of Farmers’ Joint Struggle in the coming crucial period.                               

        INTUC                     AITUC                    HMS                     CITU                       AIUTUC
        TUCC                SEWA                      AICCTU                     LPF                    UTUC

And Sectoral Federations/Associations

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