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Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) congratulates the Haryana Roadways’ employees for the successful total strike on its first day (16 October 2018) of the two days’ strike as per the call of the joint forum of all trade unions against the move for total privatization of roadway services by the BJP Government of Haryana. NO bus is on the road today. The strike has got full support from the public as well. CITU extends full support and solidarity to the strike to save the public transport system in the state in the larger interest of the people. We strongly condemn the vindictive and repressive actions of the Haryana Government and the management of Haryana Roadways on the striking workers.

For the last 3 years, the BJP Government of Haryana is desperately trying to wind up Haryana Roadways and hand over the entire passenger transport to the private operators. Earlier in 2017 the Government has decided to issue permits to private operators in 3600 routes. It was vehemently opposed by all the trade unions except BMS and series of struggles were launched. Finally the Government was compelled to withdraw its decision in the face of militant united indefinite strike by the Roadways workers and declared that a new transport policy will be adopted duly taking the unions in to confidence.

But violating this promise, the pro corporate BJP Government in Haryana has been continuously trying for the backdoor privatization of the state transport sector. Now, the government unilaterally declared that 720 private buses will be hired/taken on lease by Haryana Roadways on kilometer basis and operate in state transport routes. The unions have opposed the scheme system tooth and nail decided to go for strike to save the industry. They called for 2 days strike on16 & 17thOctober 2018.

The Government resorted to vindictive and repressive actions since the strike notice was issued by the joint forum of trade unions. ESMA has been imposed. Around 250 workers and union leaders were suspended; union offices of AIRTWF, AITUC, INTUC in some places like Faridabad depot have been sealed. Leaves to the union leaders are also not sanctioned. In spite of such large scale repression, the strike is total throughout the state. CITU demands the Haryana Government to put an end to the vindictive actions, withdraw the proposed hire scheme for privatization and negotiate with the unions.

It is highly appreciable that the workers are giving befitting reply to the Government by intensifying the struggle and we are sure that the trade union movement in Haryana will defeat the government move to privatise the public assets.

Issued by
Tapan Sen
General Secretary


The Centre of Indian Trade Unions expresses serious concern over the continuing physical attacks and violence unleashed on the migrant workers from Bihar, UP and other states working in Gujarat by the parochial and divisive forces with the BJP Govt in the state remaining a virtual indulgent spectator.  

No doubt, the incident of alleged rape on child is condemnable and the guilty should be punished, which is essentially the responsibility of the state government. But making this incident a plea for organized attack and witch-hunt on the entire community of migrant workers in Gujarat speaks volumes about the divisive and parochial policies and politics being practiced in the state by the ruling polity.  This is utterly condemnable.

Already more than 50000 migrant workers were forced to leave Gujarat during the span of last one week or so. The exodus is continuing.  While the policies being pursued by the government are the culprit for lack of employment generation and loss of employment, witch hunt and attacks against the migrant workers in Gujarat are being carried out with the slogan of “locals are deprived of job opportunity because of the migrant workers from other states”. It is to be noted that divisive and parochial entities like Thakore Sena and others nourished and promoted by the same brand of politics and policies are the ones raising such slogans.

CITU condemns such violence and attacks on the migrant workers in Gujarat and demands upon the state government to take immediate measures to contain such continuing violence by all means and deal the perpetrator organizations carrying on such violence on the migrant workers in the state.

CITU also calls upon the trade unions irrespective of affiliations including those in Gujarat to protest and oppose such violence and attacks on the workers and come forward in defending and protecting the migrant workers in the state from the onslaught of the parochial and divisive outfits.

Issued by

Tapan Sen
General Secretary

National Convention of Workers decides to go for Nationwide General Strike on 8-9 January 2019 against the anti-people, anti-worker, anti-national policies of the BJP-led NDA Government.

The National Convention of Workers held today, the 28th September 2018, in Mavlankar Hall, New Delhi, decided to go for two days’ Nationwide General Strike on 8-9 January 2019 against the anti-people, anti-worker, anti-national policies of the BJP-led NDA Government.

The convention was jointly called by the ten Central Trade Unions (INTUC, AITUC, HMS, CITU, AIUTUC,TUCC, AICCTU, SEWA, LPF, UTUC), in association with all independent National Federations of Workers and Employees, of both Industrial and Service sectors, Central Government and State Government employees, including Railways, Defense, Health, Education, Water, Post, Scheme Workers etc; in the public sector undertaking such as Banks, Insurance, Telecom, Oil, Coal, Public Transport etc, Factories, and from the unorganised sectors-Construction, Beedi, Street vendors, Domestic Workers, Migrant Workers, Scheme workers, Home based workers, rickshaw, auto-rickshaw and taxi drivers, agricultural workers etc., expresses serious concern over the deteriorating situation in the national economy due to the pro- corporate, anti-national and anti-people policies pursued by the Central Government and some of the States ruled by the BJP, grievously impacting the livelihood of the working people across the country.

The Presidium of the Convention consisted of Ashok Singh, Ramendra Kumar, S. N. Pathak, K. Hemlata, R. K. Sharma, Probir Banerjee, Lata,Santosh Rai and Shatrujeet Singh.

Dr. Sanjeeva Reddy (INTUC), Amarjeet Kaur (AITUC), Harbhajan Singh Sidhu (HMS), Tapan Sen (CITU), Satyavan (AIUTUC), G.R.Shivshankar (TUCC), Manali Shah (SEWA), Rajeev Dimri (AICCTU), Sanmugham (LPF), Ashok Ghosh (UTUC) addressed the Convention. Shivgopal Mishra( AIFR) and Guman Singh (NFIR) also addressed the convention.

The Convention noted with utter dismay that the Government has been continuing to arrogantly ignore the 12 point Charter of Demands on minimum wage, universal social security, workers’ status and including pay and facilities for the scheme workers, against privatization of public and government sector including financial sectors and mass scale contractorisation, ratification of ILO Convention 87, 98 etc. being jointly pursued by the entire trade union movement of the country. The ILO Convention 177 on Home Work and 189 on Domestic Work are also yet not ratified.

The Centre of Indian Trade Unions strongly denounces the illegal and vindictive termination of two employees by the management of the Japanese MNC, YAMAHA in its plant in Tamilnadu.

The employees were terminated without any notice and showing any reason therefor immediately after the formation of the trade union there and submission of their charter of demands under section 2(k) of the Industrial Disputes Act.

As a natural reaction to such illegal and vindictive termination by the YAMAHA management, all the here thousand workers started instant sit-in strike in the plant from 21st September 2018.

The AIADMK Govt in Tamilnadu shamefully demonstrating slavish loyality to the Japanese management by letting lose the police repression on the workers on peacefully sit-in strike and arrested three leading workers on false and fabricated charges.

CITU condemns the state govt of Tamilnadu for brutal repressive measures on the peaceful strike of the workers against illegal termination and also the Japanese MNC management for unlawfully victimizing the workers for asserting their constitutional right by forming trade union under the Law of the Land.

CITU demands upon the Govt of Tamilnadu to intervene in consistence with the constitutional provisions and compel the YAMAHA management to reinstate all terminated workers and defend their constitutional right to form trade union. The Govt must ensure release of all the arrested workers unconditionally.

CITU welcomes the trade unions of Tamilnadu and CITU unions in particular for extending support to the struggling workers of YAMAHA. CITU calls upon to intensify the united statewide solidarity action to compel both the state Govt and the YAMAHA management to see reasons and restore normalcy through release of the arrested workers, reinstatement of terminated workers and granting recognition of the trade union in YAMAHA.

Issued by
(Tapan Sen )
General Secretary

Centre of Indian Trade Unions vehemently condemns the brutal police action on the peasants who were marching to Delhi to highlight their genuine demands.

The peasants who started their march from Haridwar under the banner of Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU) on 23rd September were scheduled to reach the Kisan Ghat in the national capital on 2nd October. Instead of addressing their genuine demands, the BJP led Modi government chose to use force to stop them from even reaching the national capital. Police resorted to lathi charge, water cannons and tear gas on the peaceful march of the peasants at Ghazipur at the Uttar Pradesh – Delhi border.

This brutal force on the farmers who feed the country exposes the real face of the BJP led Modi government which wants to hide its anti peasant anti people character using fake promises and false slogans through its media blitzkrieg spending thousands of crores of people’s money. It is to be recalled that it was the state government led by the same BJP that has killed six peasants in police firing when they were demanding remunerative prices and loan waiver. It were the state governments in Assam and Jharkhand led by the same BJP that killed peasants earlier.

CITU warns that the working class will not remain a silent spectator if the government neglects the genuine demands of the peasants of the country on whose toil the country depends for its food. CITU demands the government to desist from any attempts to suppress the rising tide of agitations by the peasants who are the victims of the agrarian crisis due to the neoliberal policies being aggressively pursued by the BJP government led by Modi. CITU also warns that the government will be grievously mistaken if it thinks that it can suppress peasants’ struggles, or for that matter, struggles by the workers or any section of the people, through force.

CITU calls upon the working class in the entire country to forcefully protest the use of uncalled for force on the peacefully protesting peasants and stand in rock strong solidarity with their peasant brethren.

Monday, 08 October 2018 09:10

Towards A Strong Workers Peasants Alliance

The lakhs of workers, peasants and agricultural workers who have gathered in the historic ‘Mazdoor Kisan Sangharsh Rally’ near Parliament in the national capital unanimously decided to strengthen the unity of these three class organisations and intensify joint actions against the anti people anti national neoliberal policies. The Rally called upon the crores of workers, peasants and agricultural workers across the country to extend support and solidarity in all possible ways to each others’ independent struggles and build strong joint actions.

Thus the workers will extend active support and solidarity to the joint kisan march on 28 -30 November, when thousands of peasants will walk around 100 km to converge in Delhi from various parts of the country. The peasants all over the country will stand in solidarity with the workers in their struggle programmes including country wide general strike which the Joint National Convention of Trade Unions will finalise on 28th September 2018. The ‘Workers Peasants Martyrdom Day’, which was being jointly observed for the last three years on 19th January, will be held in much more effective manner in 2019.

The enthusiasm for joint actions of the three major sections of society who produce the wealth of the country was visible from Day One. The announcement, in the CITU general council meeting in March 2018, that AIKS and AIAWU have agreed to join the massive rally planned by CITU was welcomed with thunderous applause. The participation of lakhs of workers in the ‘jail bharo’ programme called by AIKS on 9th August and the participation in several places of peasants in the night long ‘samuhik jagaran’ on the night of 14th August called by CITU, kept that enthusiasm alive.

The floods that played havoc in Kerala and parts of Karnataka and later in Assam and other states in the north east, the incessant rains in many parts of the country could not dampen the spirit and determination of these lakhs of toiling people to jointly raise their voice against the policies that have been playing havoc with their lives. This is crisply stated by a tribal peasant from Chattisgarh - ‘Our problems are much bigger than this rain; that is why we have come’.

Only the working class in alliance with the huge mass of peasantry and agriculture labour could resolve the agrarian crisis, stated veteran Marxist economist Prabhat Patnaik. He was giving presidential address in the reception committee of the first ever Worker-Peasant Rally on 5th September 2018 at BTR Bhawan, New Delhi.

Neo-liberalism and market forces are unleashing consistent assault on peasantry leading to resultant pauperization and proletarianisation causing large scale rural to urban migration and large reserve army of labour. The real hope in this period of primitive accumulation of capital is building worker-peasant alliance and 5th September Rally will be remarkable in making it a reality. In the era of Neo-liberalism Worker-Peasant Alliance is the alternative he said.

Chairman of the reception committee Prabhat patnaik presided over the meeting.  Tapan Sen, General Secretary CITU briefed the preparation of the rally going on across the country. General Convener ML Malkotia placed report. P Krishnaprasad, Finance secretary of AIKS, Babu Mohan National Council member of AIAWU and Anurag Saxena , secretary of Delhi state committee of CITU spoke. P Abhimanyu General Secretary, BSNLEU, AK Bhatnagar of AIIEU participated in the discussion. A R Sindhu secretary CITU placed the plan of activities ahead.  CITU president K Hemalatha, AIKS Joint secretary Vijoo Krishnan, KM Tiwari, Pushpendra Grewal, NK Sharma, Indrani Majumdar, Amithava Guha among others were present.  

The massive rally will be started from Ramlila Maidan and will culminate at Parliament. There will be seven sub rallies from different parts of the country.  Workers and peasants from all the states of the country will be participating in this massive rally.

The reception committee will facilitate accommodation for participants in the rally from 3rd September onwards in the camps at Ramlila Maiden and Ghaziabad. Workers from Delhi in large number will participate in the rally. 500 volunteers will be working for the success of the arrangements.

The Centre of Indian Trade Unions expresses profound grief at the demise of former Speaker of Lok Sabha, Shri Somnath Chatterjee today at Kolkata after prolonged ailment. He was 89.

He had been a veteran parliamentarian having been elected in Lok Sabha ten times and played important role in taking up the issue of the working people and their rights and livelihood and also in defending democracy, secularism and federalism.

As a renowned lawyer by profession, he had taken up many cases in defence of the rights of the workers and employees against victimization by employers and the Govts. His frontline role along with others in the judicial battle against mass scale victimization and dismissal of railway workers following their countrywide strike in 1974 will always be remembered.

CITU conveys its heartfelt condolence to his family members and friends.

Issued by
(Tapan Sen)
General Secretary 

A reception Committee for the historic ‘Mazdoor Kisan Sangharsh Rally’ on 5th September 2018 was formed with eminent Marxist economist Prof. Prabhat Patnaik as Chairman. In a meeting held on 31 July 2018 at BTR Bhawan a reception committee of 300 was formed with many eminent persons and intellectuals from academics and culture and social activists and leaders of different class and mass organisations. The Vice Chairpersons include Prof. Utsa Patnaik, Prof.  Jayati Ghosh, Prof. C P Chandrashekhar, N K Sharma, Kajal Ghosh, Vivan Sundaram, M K Raina,  Rajendraprasad, Prof. Surajit Majumdar, Prof. Archana Prasad, Prabir Purkayastha, Subodh Varma, K M Tiwari, D Raghunandan, Dr. Amit Sengupta, Adv. Somdutt Sharma, Sudhanva Deshpande, Malayashree Hashmi,  Vijay Prashad, Pushpendra Grewal, Maimoona Mollah, Asha Sharma, Subhash Lamba, A K Bhatnagar etc.

M L Malkotia, Treasurer of CITU is the Convenor and P Krishnaprasad, Babumohan, A R Sindhu and Anurag Saxena are joint convenors of the reception committee. Different sub committees are also formed for Camps, Railway Stations, Stage, Rally, Decoration, Medical, Transport, Cleaning and sanitation, Volunteers etc.

The reception Committee will make wide publicity of this historic rally among various sections of the society in and around Delhi. Songs, dramas, short films etc are being prepared to take the issues to the people using all mediums. Posters, festoons, etc are being prepared and wall writings are made in Delhi NCR.

Preparations are going on in Delhi to receive five lakh workers, peasants and agricultural workers from all over the country. This includes more than twenty thousand participants from Kerala and more than ten thousand from West Bengal. Organisations of employees – Bank, Insurance, State and Central government etc are coming in large number for the rally. Arrangements for accommodation are made in two camps one in Delhi and another in Gaziabad.  Apart from these camps people have already booked in hotels, dharmashalas etc. Preparations are also going on to make the rally colourful and attractive.

The meeting was attended by the Leaders of CITU, AIKS, AIAWU and Federations of employees.

More than three crore road transport workers in state-transport, private passenger transport, goods transport and small passenger transport like auto, taxi etc have staged a magnificent strike action throughout the country to voice their protest against and also determination to resist the draconian Motor Vehicle Amendment Bill which is still pending for enactment by Parliament. 

The draconian Bill presented by the Modi Govt is a design for paving the way for destruction of state-owned public transport corporations, wherever it is there; this will expedite the process of complete privatization of public transport system and take-over of them by big private corporates leading to monopolization and enhancement of the public transport fares to the detriment interest of the common working people; this Bill will also lead to mass-scale victimization of the road transport workers engaged in both public transport and goods transport including the small transport operators; the strike is also against the frequent rise in diesel and petrol prices making the public transport costlier for the people at large. There are other issues too.

The All India Coordination Committee of Road Transport Workers Organisations comprising all road transport workers’ unions affiliated to CITU, AITUC, INTUC, HMS, AIUTUC, AICCTU, LPF, UTUC and TUCC have jointly called for the strike action on 7th August 2018.

The strike was total in Kerala, Bihar, Odisha, Pondicherry, Assam and J&K. In Haryana, state transports were virtually off the road and private transport also joined the strike in a big way.   The Bihar Petrol Pump workers also went on strike.  In Assam there was total strike in private sector.  In West Bengal more than 80% workers went on strike in rural area.   In Tamil Nadu the strike was total in Private Sector and 60% of STU workers went on strike. In M.P., there was total strike in 30 districts and partial in other districts.  In Uttarakhand the STU buses were off the road.  In Meghalaya there was strike except flood affected area.  In Telangana the strike was total in STU and 75% workers in Private Sector participated in the strike.  In A.P, the Auto, Taxi and Lorry workers participated in 13 districts for strike.

There was partial strike in Tripura, Punjab, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Rajasthan.  In Sikar and Jaipur the auto-workers went on strike.  In Jharkhand there was strike in 8 districts.  In Delhi about 25% autos went on strike.  In Chattisgarh there was strike in 5 districts.

CITU congratulates the road transport workers and their trade unions for their massive countrywide united strike action against the retrograde Motor Vehicle Amendment Bill notoriously designed to destroy the state run public transport services and ensure monopolization of the public transport by the corporate sector much to the detriment of peoples’ interests. CITU demands that the Modi Govt must take a call from this magnificent strike action and withdraw the draconian Bill forthwith.                                                                                                                                    

( Tapan Sen )
General Secretary

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