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CITU extends full support to the ongoing heroic strike action from 11th October 2022 at Yamaha Motors Private Ltd at Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu against the brazenly anti- worker wages and working conditions sought to be imposed on the workers by the management through so called agreement with its pet union which does not represent the mass of the workers at all.

The philistine ploy to break the CITU led union - Yahama Motor Thizhilalar Sangam got thoroughly exposed when overwhelming majority of the workers of India Yamaha Motors joined the strike in contemptuous rejection of the so called deal between the Yamaha MGT and their pets under the garb of one union.

CITU fully supports the demands of the workers for recognition of IYMTS and all its office bearers, scrap the anti worker deal between MGT and its pet entity and demands upon the state labour dept and government to intervene to prevent the management from its unlawful, conspiratorial anti worker acts with strong hand.

CITU, while conveying solidarity to the struggling workers congratulates the union and the mass of the Yamaha workers for their determined strike action on their legitimate demands and for justice and dignity.

Tapan Sen
General Secretary

Monday, 03 October 2022 16:25

Homage to Comrade Kumar Shiralkar

Centre of Indian Trade Unions pays respectful homage to Comrade Kumar Shiralkar, ideologue and one of the tallest leaders of the left movement, a leader of agricultural workers and tribals in Maharashtra. He was 75 yrs. He died yesterday, 2 October 2022 at a hospital at Nashik. He was fighting cancer since 2019.

Comrade Kumar Shiralkar left his job as an engineer, in early 70s and started organizing the tribals of north Maharashtra founding ‘ShramikSanghatana’ as the name suggests, with a class perspective. He was jailed during emergency. He started organizing the agricultural workers in early 80s and was the State Secretary of agricultural workers union, Maharashtra. He was the joint secretary of AIAWU for a long time. He worked closely associated with the CITU in Maharashtra. He has done studies on the plight of sugar cane workers of Maharashtra.

With in depth understanding in Marxist philosophy, he stood firm in ideological struggles with a strong class orientation in the movement. He has authored two books and numerous articles on diverse subjects. He was committed to the cause of Dalits and tribals and has written profusely on the subject.  He has also helped the CITU, Maharastra in cadre education.

A committed revolutionary, he has led an exemplary simple life. Even when he was ill, he stayed among the tribals in the village.

His death is a great loss to the trade union and progressive movement in Maharashtra. CITU expresses heartfelt condolences to his family and comrades.

Tapan Sen
General Secretary

Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) congratulates the employees and engineering staffs of the Department of Electricity in Puducherry  Union Territory  who are on  indefinite  strike from 28th September onwards to resist the Central government’s recent move to privatize  the distribution and retail sale of electricity in the Union Territory Region. The strike has been spearheaded by the Joint Action Committee of the Employees and Engineers of Department of Electricity of Puducherry consisting of all Trade Unions.

The Central Government has been trying to privatize all its utilities since long- especially in the Union Territory Regions of the Country. Accordingly, the Central Home Ministry tried its first attempt to privatize electricity distribution utility in Jammu and Kashmir where it got a great beating from united movements of electricity employees and engineers. In the same vein Home Ministry again announced its plan to hand over the Electricity Department of Chandigarh Administration to the private corporate. Here people from all walks of life joined with Union Territory Electricity Employees’ and Engineers’ struggles against such anti-people privatization move and ultimately it was put on hold. 

Without paying any heed to such militant popular resistances that was raged against this anti-people policy of privatization, on 27th September, 2022, the Puducherry Union Territory administration, at the instances of Central Home Minister, announced its plan to sell 100% share of its company responsible for distribution and retail supply of electricity to the private by inviting tender. Against this anti-people privatization move, the entire electricity employees and engineering staffs of Puducherry are on indefinite strike and still it is successfully continuing. People in general and all opposition parties are coming in the streets in support of this ongoing struggle to save public electricity service in Puducherry.

CITU, while expressing its unflinching solidarity to the struggling Puducherry Electricity Employees and Workers, calls upon the working class in general and  all its affiliates in particular to stand in firm and to extend support to them who are fighting heroically.  

CITU urges the Central Government as well as the Government of Puducherry Union Territory to stop the privatization of Electricity Company forthwith.

Issued By
Tapan Sen
General Secretary

Labour Minister Statement in G -20 Meet: Just Public Relations Exercise While in Practice it’s otherwise

Centre of Indian Trade Union (CITU) has termed the statement of Indian Labour and Employment Minister Statement in the G - 20 Labour & Employment Ministers ' Meet at Bali Indonesia as a Public Relation Exercise while in practice the Indian Govt is working quite opposite to it.

While the Minister has said the employment conditions of workers  have to be strengthened for a strong  and resilient post covid recovery the Labour codes enacted during covid lock down time in India shall  destroy the whatever meager employment conditions prevailed for all these years for the workers.

The so claimed social security code has in practice preemptively destroyed the cess based social security that was prevailing for the beedi workers and mines workers and has only left them at lurch. The employers are at benefit due to this social security code while the vast section of the workers will be really out of the social security net.

Minister's Statement has stressed for robust policies for employment generation, enhanced social protection, skill development and formalisation while obviously his govt is just doing the opposite promoting employment degeneration together with greater informalisation of the economy, degeneration of social protection and the entire degenerating process has been institutionalised by Labour Codes.

CITU strongly terms the ministerial statement as nothing more than a public relation posture by a hypocritical anti-people Govt.

Issued by
(Tapan Sen)
General Secretary


Saturday, 10 September 2022 15:25

Village Revenue Assistants Strike


The Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) extending its solidarity to the ongoing Telangana Village Revenue Assistants (VRA) strike under the banner of Joint Action Committee (JAC) since more than 45 days supports the genuine demands of the JAC.

CITU further wishes to bring to your kind notice that the demands raised in the strike were all promised to be considered favorably and met by your good self earlier. The recent abolition of the Village Revenue Officers (VRO’s) Posts has shattered the only hope of these VRA’s for their regularization as Govt. Employees in the revenue department.  Before the present ongoing strike they have tried to appraise to the Govt their demands, but in vain. Thereby they are being constrained to resort to this strike action. As you are well aware more than 20 VRA’s have deceased in this period.

Hence the CITU urges the Govt to kindly intervene and initiate the process for fulfillment of their genuine demands.

Hoping for the solution to the concerned employees problem at the earliest

With Regards,

Yours Sincerely
Tapan Sen
General Secretary

Thousands of workers, peasants and agricultural workers who have gathered today in this historic National Convention at Talkatora Stadium in the National Capital at the call of CITU, AIKS and AIAWU on the 4th anniversary of historic ‘MazdoorKisanSangharsh Rally’ held on 5th September, 2018, unanimously decided to strengthen the unity of  these three class organizations and intensify joint combative actions against anti workers, anti farmers and anti people neo liberal policies pursued by ruling dispensation. The Convention called upon crores of workers, peasants and agricultural workers across the country to extend support and solidarity in all possible ways to each others' independent struggles and build strong direct joint actions.

This joint convention decided to hold  a massive militant mobilization of workers, farmers and agricultural workers in ‘Mazdoor Sangharsh Rally 2.0’ during 2023 budget session of Parliament. The convention asserted that the National Capital will witness the biggest ever mobilization of wealth producing classes in the history of independent India.  This joint convention also unanimously decided to conduct extensive joint campaigns from October 2022 to February 2023 to make the workers, peasants and agricultural workers combat ready to unleash offensive direct resistance struggles against the neo liberal policy onslaughts.

The presidium comprised of Comrade K Hemalata, President, CITU, Comrade Ashok Dhawale, President, AIKS and Comrade A Vijayraghaban, President, AIAWU. Comrade Tapan Sen, General Secretary, CITU, Comrade HannanMollah, General Secretary, AIKS and Comrade B Venkat, General Secretary, AIAWU addressed the joint convention supporting the joint declaration of these three organizations. Comrade Debashish Basu (BEFI), Comrade Abhimanyu (BSNLEU), Comrade Parashar (CCGEW),Comrade Sreekumar (AISGEF), Comrade Bhatnagar (AIIEA), Comrade Amraram, Comrade Prakashan  Master, Comrade D Ravindran , Comrade Sumit Dalal and Sunil Adhikari of AIKS and Comrade Lalita Balan, Comrade Venkateswaran, Comrade Amiya Patra, Comrade Brijlal Bharti and Comrade  Vikram Singh of AIAWU addressed the joint convention. Leaders of Bank, Insurance, BSNL, Central and State government employees federations and other peasants and agricultural organizations also addressed the convention.

The Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) calls for the strictest possible punishment to be meted out to Seema Patra, the BJP leader from Jharkhand who has tortured her domestic worker for several years before she was rescued by the police. CITU demands that the National Human Rights Commission, the National SC-ST Commission and the National Commission of Women take suo moto cognizance of the matter and ensure that the tribal domestic worker, Sunita, gets justice of the highest order. She should be provided the best of medical treatment and receive the highest possible compensation. Measures should be taken to rehabilitate her.

Shocking details have emerged about the inhuman treatment given to Sunita. The fact that Patra happens to be a member of the national committee of the BJP MahilaMorcha, and is also the state convenor of the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao campaign just shows what lip service the BJP pays to women’s rights! That it happened in the house of a former IAS officer also points to the callousness with which workers are treated by those who take the oath to uphold the Constitution of India. It is surprising that the police took a week to arrest Patra.

This case once again highlights the need for the government to put in place protective legislation for domestic workers, who are one of the largest sections of working women in the country, but have no recognition and rights. A large proportion of ‘live in’ workers are from the tribal community and subject to severe exploitation; some are also victims of trafficking. The BJP government refuses to ratify ILO Convention 189 which emphasises the rights of domestic workers and the need to bring them under the ambit of labour laws. Several draft laws and policies have been drafted and discussed both by trade unions and the government. But these remain on paper because the BJP government is dragging its feet on the issueas it is reluctant to ensure minimum wages and decent working conditions to the domestic workers. Apparently, most of those in power have the same mentality as Patra.

CITU calls upon all domestic workers in particular and working class in general to rise up in both in support of Sunita and for a comprehensive law that will provide domestic workers with minimum wages, social security and dignity of labour.

Issued by
Tapan Sen
General Secretary

The Centre of Indian Trade Unions denounces the Govt’s desperate bid to mislead and confuse the people on its brazenly anti labour policies through so called two-day minister-bureaucrats conclave held at Tirupathi and naming it as National Labour Conference through widespread deceptive media campaign.

The Minister-Bureaucrats conclave  comprising state and central labour ministers along with bureaucrats held at Tirupathi can no way be called National Labor Conference in which the biggest stakeholders in the world of work- the workers and their unions are kept out. Behind such deceptive projection of the Tirupathi Conclave as National Labour Conference by the central ministers including the Prime Minister lies the desperate bid of the Govt to cover up the truth : its failure rather reluctance to hold tripartite Indian Labour Conference during last seven years since 2015- which is supposed to be held every year.

This novel exercise by the Govt at the centre is meant for misleading the people through its campaign blitz-crig not by facts but by misstatements that too by highest person in the governance, on the rights and conditions of labour who are actually producing and generating national wealth but are being squeezed and subjected to immense deprivation and distress only to fatten the purse of handful of private corporate and impose the conditions of slavery on the workers.

The inaugural speech delivered virtually in the said minister-bureaucrats conclave claimed through enactment of Labour Codes “to have abolished laws from the periods of slavery”. Fact remains just opposite. Through these draconian Labour Codes, mostly enacted rather bulldozed during the Pandemic Lockdown period without any discussion in Parliament meticulously diluted and eliminated most of the rights and entitlement related provisions for the workers in the existing 29 Labour Laws.  Labour codes seek to impose conditions of slavery on the entire working people and empowering the employers’ class with a vengeance. Even in respect of changes of most of the substantive provisions of all the four Labour Codes, the executives have been empowered open-ended, trampling underfoot the entire democratic legislative process through Parliament.

Most of these repealed 29 labour laws, through the process of their enactment and subsequent amendments due to the struggles by working people provided for, despite many limitations and loopholes, certain basic statutory rights for the working people on minimum wages, job security working conditions, social security safety, migration etc including rights to organize and collectively assert and represent. All these rights and entitlements related provisions stand totally diluted and eliminated in Labour Codes just to benefit and empower the private corporate/big business employers’ class.

The tall claim of the Prime Minister in his inaugural address that the Labour Codes “will ensure empowerment of the workers through minimum wages, job security, social security and health security” is patently untrue.  Loud noise made in his speech and also in deliberations in the Conclave on so called Flexibility in working conditions is nothing but a dubious design to completely banish the concept of statutory working hours, minimum wage, social security etc, and thereby are exempting the corporate employer’s class from all their obligations in all those aspects, thereby laying down the foundation of virtual slavery in workplaces. The inaugural speech has been so much lavish on women workers rights and opportunities, while shamelessly evading the Govt’s obligation in implementing the consensus recommendation of Indian Labour Conference in according workers’ status along with the rights of statutory minimum wage and social security to several lakhs of scheme workers in Anganwadi, Mid-day-meal, ASHA and other Govt schemes predominantly women. Neither the Govt is caring for arresting consistent drastic decline in women’s Labour Force participation throughout the country across the sectors. Hypocrisy is demonstrated at its peak in the so called Tirupathi Conclave.

It is not without reasons that the entire trade union movement is unanimously demanding scrapping of this draconian Labour Codes. We shall continue united fight against their project of imposing of slavery on the working people and resist the nefarious designs of the corporate masters through their agents in governance.

Tapan Sen,
General Secretary  

Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) strongly denounces the imposition of GST on the essentials of life of people in general and working class in particular and demands for its immediate roll back.

The workers and the common people who were already put to severe hardship and made to suffer with the ever increasing price rise due to the destructive policies of the Modi led government through its engineered price rise of petroleum products and domestic LPG are now further attacked by this offensive.

Never in the history of independent India were the essential food items like rice, wheat, pulses etc and dairy items like curd, paneer, meat, fish, jaggery taxed. The peoples own savings on withdrawal from banks are taxed with 18% GST on bank cheques. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) (Industrial Workers) as of now does not fully reflect the actual price rise during the current inflationary phase reflecting the ongoing systemic crisis. Given this situation the present imposition and hikes on the essentials of life also never get reflected in the index whereby the annual VDA appreciation for the Industrial workers,be it at state or central sphere,will never fully compensate the price rise. While this is so for the organised sector, the worst hit will be the unorganised sector workers who have no regular income and are dependent on their day to day earnings.

The workers, MSMEs, and the economy which is yet to recover from the Covid pandemic and lockdown-imposed decline will be further put to strains leading to further shrinkage in the expenditure. This will further lead to job losses and rise in unemployment. The BJP governments at the centre and states which are reluctant to increase minimum wages and stop job-losses are imposing further burdens on the people. This is nothing but adding salt to injury.

CITU calls upon the workers and the people at large to resist these blatant attacks on their lives through the imposition of GST imposition on essential items and the price hikes with all force with enmasse participation in the fortnight campaign from August 1st to14thand culminating in huge demonstrations on 14th August,on the eve of 75th year of Independence,throughout the Nation.

Issued by 
Tapan Sen
General Secretary

Saturday, 30 April 2022 14:15

May Day Greetings

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