Stop Humiliating the Farmers With These Derogatory and Humiliating Remarks


The Centre of Indian Trade Unions vehemently denounces the utterly humiliating and derogatory statement by the Prime Minister against the struggling farmers and their supporters on the floor of Parliament.

The Prime Minister called the struggling farmers demanding repeal of the draconian farm laws and Electricity Amendment Bill 2020 as “Andolan-jeevi” influenced by “Foreign Destructive Ideology” (FDI).

Unnerved by the growing support for the farmers’ demands and their determined struggle to achieve their just demands the Prime Minister has resorted to ridiculing ‘andolan’ itself, the basic right of the people in and the pillar of a democratic society. True to the traditions of our Independence struggle against the British, the farmers have been peacefully protesting against the farm laws that threaten to snatch away their land and livelihood. The Prime Minister’s intolerance obviously stems from the philosophy of RSS having no role in the Independence struggle and its abject surrender before British imperialism. Today his government has surrendered itself to the interests of the big corporates, domestic and foreign.

Today the Prime Minister is heading a ‘corporate jeevi’ government that treats the farmers, producing food for the country and its people as enemies, just to serve the profit greedy parasitic corporate class. To call the farmers ‘parajeevis’ (parasites) is the height of shamelessness.

Such abuses of the farmers as being ‘Khalistanis’, ‘anti nationals’, ‘terrorists’ etc, lies of the movement being confined to only one state, and being ‘mislead’ have all failed. The latest desperate attempt to deride the protests is sure to fail.

CITU strongly condemns all these attempts of the ruling BJP and its leaders for the naked display of their lack of any respect for democracy and intolerance for dissent and protests. Such authoritarian and abusive approach in fact stems from the ideology of Hitler and Mussolini, the most destructive  and disastrous ideology the country has ever seen. It asserts that it is the BJP government that is responsible for the rising tides of protests, not only from the farmers but the workers and other sections of toiling people as well. CITU demands that the government should immediately repeal the three farm laws, withdraw the Electricity Amendment Bill and also scrap the anti worker labour codes immediately and stop abusing and humiliating the people raising their voices. Otherwise ‘andolans’ will only increase.

Issued by
(Tapan Sen)
General Secretary

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