The Centre of Indian Trade Unions denounces arbitrary and authoritarian decision of the TMC Govt in West Bengal in fixing the Panchayat election date on 1st May 2018- despite it being the Day of International Solidarity of the Working Class recognized internationally including ILO.

All the trade unions in West Bengal urged upon the state government for changing the date and keep the day free for observance of May Day jointly by all the trade unions throughout the state which had been the longstanding practice since last couple of decades in the state. But owing to its brazenly anti-worker and authoritarian attitude towards the working class and the people and their basic democratic rights and activities, the TMC Govt in the state stuck to their decision bulldozing the just requests by all the trade unions in the state.

And the same attitude of arrogance and authoritarianism towards democracy and public opinion is also being reflected in the ongoing violence being perpetrated by the hooligans with the patronization of the state govt against the people trying to prevent them from even filing nomination papers for the election; many CITU activists and leaders have also been victims of such violence and physical assaults.

The CITU condemns the authoritarian and undemocratic attitude of the TMC Govt in the state reflected in its arrogant disrespect towards the working people in the state in their sticking to the election date on May Day--the great international day of working class and the day to respect and remember the great martyrdom of workers, in the historic struggle for eight hour working day. CITU also reiterates its vehement condemnation towards the atrocious attack on the democratic rights of the people including CITU and other mass organization activists and Left parties in the run-up to the Panchayat election in the state.

CITU welcomes and fully supports the initiative of its West Bengal Committee to challenge the derogatory and henious decision of the TMC Govt of fixing the election date on May Day. CITU also extends solidarity to the heroic resistance of the trade unions, mass organizations and Left parties against the brutal attacks on their rights in many parts of the state.

Issued by
General Secretary

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