CITU condemns the attack by BJP- RSS goons on trade union activists on May Day in Tripura

Centre of Indian Trade Unions(CITU) strongly condemns the dastardly attack by the BJP – RSS goons on the trade union activists who were trying to observe the International Labour Day ‘May Day’ in different parts of Tripura.

In almost all subdivisions of the state, especially in Dukli, Teliamura, Amarpur, Kumarghat, Jirania the CITU activists who have assembled to celebrate the May Day has been beaten up by the BJP hoodlums. Even in Agartala, the trade union activists were attacked and prevented from hoisting the flag. 

In the district headquarter Dharmanagar, workers and public who had gathered to observe the May Day was attacked by the BJP goons with deadly weapons. Even those who took shelter in the police station were also not spared.

CITU strongly condemns the still continuing attack on its activists by the BJP goons throughout the state. These attacks show the intolerance of BJP- RSS forces against any dissent to their communal and authoritarian ideology and politics. CITU demands that the state government shall take urgent measures to curb the violence being unleashed on the activists of the trade union and other democratic organisations.  

CITU congratulate the working class of Tripura who had celebrated May Day throughout the state including in the capital city of Agartala daring these attacks.

CITU calls upon the democratic and progressive people of the country to protest such attacks on the democratic rights of the people of Tripura.

CITU would like to remind the BJP government of Tripura that the people of Tripura have the history of overthrowing those who used violence to capture and remain in power.

Issued by
Tapan Sen
General Secretary

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