CITU condemns the Barbaric Repression by the Haryana Police against   Striking Anganwadi Workers and Helpers.

Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) strongly condemns the severe repressions let-loose by the BJP government of Haryana against the Anganwadi workers and helpers who have been on strike since December 8th, 2021 demanding the implementation of the already Govt-declared wage hike commitment. Instead of having negotiation with these striking frontline workers and their Unions who  excellent rendered services during the  height of the Covid pandemic risking their own lives, the Govt has unleashed repression on them. The state Govt has also shamelessly invoked ESMA against them.

Despite all these repression unleashed by the Haryana BJP government from day one, the strike is continuing in full swing and the Coordination Committee of Anganwadi Unions including CITU in Haryana has given a call for ‘March to Haryana Assembly’ on 3 March 2022 on the 85th day of their continuous strike when all the efforts for a dialogue with the government failed.

The Haryana Police under the direct dictates of Chief Minister has started the repression since yesterday (2 March) morning onwards, harassing and threatening and arresting in mass-scale the striking anganwadi workers and their families who were on their way for the Assembly March from different parts of the state. Government officials pressurized the vehicle owners to cancel all booking of vehicles made by the workers for reaching the state capital. CDPOs have been asked to ban anganwadi workers and helpers from traveling on state public transport buses!

All these repressions could not deter the determinations of the valiant anganwadi workers and helpers. Then Khattar government has resorted to arrest the them since yesterday evening and their vehicles were impounded. Today morning hundreds of vehicles with anganwadi workers were stopped at various places. Hundreds of workers were arrested and detained at various places. CITU National Secretaries Comrades A.R.Sindhu and Usha Rani, and General Secretary and President of All India Federation of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers (AIFAWAH) respectively, were arrested at Barwala Toll Gate while leading the demonstration.  

Agitating workers are continuing their struggle by blockading the roads including highways in many places in Zirakpur, Yamunanagar Panchkulla Road, Panipat toll plaza, Barwala etc.

CITU, while congratulating the brave Anganwadi Workers and Helpers of Haryana for their valiant struggles, urges the State Government to stop the repressions and release all workers and leaders immediately and hold talk with them to resolve the impasse.

Tapan Sen
General Secretary

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