The Centre of Indian Trade Unions is extremely grieved at the passing away of comrade K Vaithinathan, one of the veterans in the trade union movement of Tamilnadu today on 8th August 2020 at the age of 96.

Comrade Vaithinathan’s political life started with his participation in the freedom movement in his early youth. He joined communist movement in early fifties and started working in trade unions in Karaikkal, Pondicherry, probably from early sixties.

Com Vaithinathan had been associated with organizing trade unions in the state of Tamilnadu for more than five decades or so in various sectors of industries and services, like sugar, cement, textile, beedi, water-supply and also played important role in building CITU in unorganized sector as well. He had thorough knowledge about various issues and problems faced by the workers and trade union movement and used to guide many unions of both organized and unorganized sector from CITU state centre.

He had been actively associated with CITU since its foundation conference. Since mid seventies, com Vaithinathan became an integral part of state CITU Centre of Tamilnadu as incharge of the central office, and he had served as state office bearer of CITU as Secretary, Assistant General Secretary, Vice President etc.  He was imprisoned at the time of railway strike in 1974 followed by Emergency. Owing to a serious accident he got partially handicapped in physical movement, but even then he used to attend all meeting of CITU including all India meetings viz., CITU general council, working committee etc. He had been a member of CITU General Council since 1983 and a Working Committee member during 1987-1997.

Com Vaithinathan used to stay at CITU office itself and considered CITU as his family. Of late he became seriously ill owing to age and other complications but stayed at CITU office itself under care of other comrades.

Com Vaithinathan’s entire life has been dedicated for the organization and movement. He was an embodiment of commitment, simplicity and revolutionary spirit. At his demise, the trade union movement lost a veteran and experienced leader.

While expressing grief at the demise of Comrade Vaithinathan, CITU conveys its heartfelt condolences to the bereaved comrades and family members and submits its homage of respect to the memory of the departed leader.

Tapan Sen
General Secretary

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