Com. Maruti Manpade is No More

Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) expresses its shock and grief at the sudden demise of Comrade Maruti Manpade,  a leader of the peasant movement and the trade union movement in Karnataka. He was the Vice President and former President of Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangham (state unit of All India Kisan Sabha) and the President of Karnataka Grampanchayat Workers union (CITU). He died in a hospital in Sholapur where he was under treatment for Covid 19.

He was a mass leader who was in the forefront of many struggles for land rights, demands of sugarcane and other farmers in the state. He helped organising the panchayat workers, MNREGA workers etc. He also helped in organising the anganwadi workers in the initial stages of the union. He was active in the ongoing struggles in the state against the current farm laws  and  labour codes.

He also played a crucial role in the struggle against social oppression in Karnataka and was a part of the Dalit Hakkugala Samiti (Dalit Rights movement). He was actively involved in organising the movement of ‘Devadasi’ women in the state.

CITU conveys its heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and comrades and submits homage of respect to the memory and contributions of the departed leader.

Tapan Sen
General Secretary 

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