'Save India Day’ - 9 August 2021 : (Joint Campaign from 25 July – 8 August 2021) CITU - AIKS - AIAWU


  1. Scrap anti-worker Labour Codes and anti-people Farm Laws and Electricity Amendment Bill.
  2. Ensure MSP @C2+50% for all crops with guaranteed procurement.
  3. Roll back steep Price Rise in essential commodities, petrol, diesel, gas, cooking oil etc
  4. No retrenchment or wage cuts. Compensate job and wage loss during pandemic. Register all migrant and unorganised sector workers. Create more jobs. Fill up all vacancies in government and public sector immediately.
  5. Ensure Minimum Wages and social security and pension to all workers including casual, contract, scheme workers and unorganized workers.
  6. Increase the budget allocation on MGNREGA to ensure minimum 200 days work @Rs.600 per day. Enact Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme. Withdraw the discriminatory advisory proposal for caste-based work and payment in MNREGA
  7. Cash transfer of Rs 7500 per month for all non income tax paying families.
  8. 10 kg free food grains per person per month for the entire period of the pandemic.
  9. Ensure immediate Free and Universal vaccination to all with priority to frontline workers. Ramp up vaccine production and bring the distribution under government regulation to ensure universal free vaccination within a definite time frame. Scrap the pro corporate vaccine policy. Ensure compensation on Covid deaths as per Supreme Court direction.
  10. Allocate 6% of GDP for health sector. Strengthen the public health system and the health infrastructure including recruiting the necessary health personnel to ensure adequate hospital beds, oxygen and other medical facilities to meet the Covid surge; Ensure non Covid patients get effective treatment in government hospitals. Ensure availability of protective gear, equipments, wage rise etc for all health and frontline workers and those engaged in pandemic-management work including ASHAs and Anganwadi employees along with comprehensive insurance coverage for them all.
  11. Stop Privatization and Disinvestment of PSUs and Government departments. Withdraw Draconian EDSO.
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