CITU General Council calls for nationwide action programme on 2nd April 2018 against Fixed Term Employment and in solidarity with the strike by Kerala Trade Unions

The National General Council meeting of Centre of Indian trade Unions (CITU) started today (23 March 2018) at Mohamed Amin Nagar (Town Hall, Kozhikode), Kerala with the hoisting of the CITU flag by its President, K Hemalata amidst the shouting of the slogans. In the inaugural session, Elamaram Kareem, Chairperson of the reception committee welcomed the members. P Mukundan, General Convenor of the reception committee was present along with the Office t of CITU.

K Hemalata in her presidential address explained the various development world over and the emerging struggles of various sections of the working people world over against the policies of globalization. She said that it is our responsibility to place the alternative before the working class and the people and mobilise them to fight for such an alternative, in this critical situation where the working class and the people of the country are searching for alternatives.Tapan Sen, General Secretary while presenting the report, said that only through militant offensive struggles against the neoliberal policies we can defeat authoritarian and communal regimes and the leadership of the working class is crucial in it. Analysing the world economic crisis and its impact world over and India, linking it to the overall attack against labour and labour rights, the increasing struggles of the basic classes, he warned that while deciding any tactics, must not loose the directional linakge with our strategic goal. The General Council will discuss the Report of the General Secretary.

The General council adopted a resolution expressing solidarity with the people of Tripura who are fighting against the barbaric attack of the BJP, IPTF goons.
The general Council also adopted a resolution in support of the call for one day strike on 2nd April 2018, jointly by sixteen trade unions in Kerala against the Government of India’s order to introduce fixed term employment in place of permanent employment in all sectors. CITU General Council called upon all its affiliates, other fraternal organizations and CITU state committees to organize protest demonstrations on 2nd April 2018 in solidarity with this strike action.

Issued by A R Sindhu, Secretary

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