This General Council of CITU, being held at Kozhikode, Kerala on 23-26 March 2018 congratulates the working people of Kerala and its leadership -the state units of central trade unions and state unions INTUC, AITUC, HMS, CITU, UTUC, AIUTUC, TUCC, SEWA, STU, HMPK, TUCI, AKTU, KTUC, KTUC(J), KTUC(M), INLC -for the bold and timely response they have shown by giving one day statewide strike on 2nd April 2018, against the draconian notification of the GOI, replacing permanent employment with term based employment and extending the Fixed Term Employment to all establishments there by enslaving the workers and throwing them to the mercy of the corporate. Permanency of the job is there by given good bye. This move which is a part of the ongoing implementation of the neoliberal policies that caters to the needs of the big corporate, has to be fought tooth and nail and the decision of the working men and women of the Kerala State would necessarily enthuse the entire Indian people who are in militant struggles against the anti people policies of the GOI.

This General Council calls upon all affiliates, other fraternal organizations and CITU state committees to organize protest demonstrations in solidarity with this strike action.

Adopted by the General Council of CITU on 23rd March 2018

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