CITU Strongly condemns the brutal violence on the main opposition party and mass organisations by the BJP goons in Tripura 

Centre of Indian Trade Unions condemns the barbarous violence unleashed by the goons of the Ruling Party BJP in Tripura against the people at large and on the main opposition party, the Left and CPI (M) in particular. The trade unions and other mass organisations fighting against the BJP misrule in the state have also been targeted for brazen attacks including ransacking of their offices, setting documents, vehicles, and other properties on fire, with the police administration remaining a mere onlookers. 

Offices of CPI (M) and other mass organisations in almost all the districts throughout the state, including the state headquarters of CPI (M) and CITU at Agartala were attacked by mobs led by BJP goons. The bust of legendary and most revered leader of the people, Com Dasharath Dev was broken and damaged; documents, furniture, vehicles were burnt in open day light, in what apparently was a preplanned operation by the BJP goons with the connivance and indulgence of the state administration. Many people, activists were severely injured.  Even the media was not spared; besides the journals/organs of the Left parties and mass organisations, the offices and the journalists and workers of the general media, voicing critical opinion against some of the actions of state government were all targeted in these physical attacks. 

This planned onslaught by BJP goons and hoodlums is nothing but a desperate response of the extreme right wing ruling clique to the growing discontent and unrest amongst the people against the disastrous rule by the BJP government, which has increased the miseries of almost all sections of toiling people. People have been losing their livelihood, deprived of all welfare measures that they enjoyed during the previous Left Front regime; in addition all democratic rights of the people to express dissent and voice legitimate demands are being suppressed in a fascistic manner.  This unrest among the people is reflected through increasing events of protests and agitations involving more and more people throughout the state braving all onslaughts. The BJP government in the state is mistaken in thinking that it can suppress struggles against its misrule by crushing and miming the entire opposition through such fascistic attacks on institutions and organisations of the opposition. 

CITU denounced this government sponsored hoodlumism and barbarous violence in Tripura. It calls upon the working class and the toiling people at large to unitedly oppose and resist the sinister fascistic design of the BJP rule through further mounting the united struggle against their misrule and oppression.

Issued by
Tapan Sen
General Secretary

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