Reception Committee for the 5th September ‘Mazdoor Kisan Sangharsh Rally’

A reception Committee for the historic ‘Mazdoor Kisan Sangharsh Rally’ on 5th September 2018 was formed with eminent Marxist economist Prof. Prabhat Patnaik as Chairman. In a meeting held on 31 July 2018 at BTR Bhawan a reception committee of 300 was formed with many eminent persons and intellectuals from academics and culture and social activists and leaders of different class and mass organisations. The Vice Chairpersons include Prof. Utsa Patnaik, Prof.  Jayati Ghosh, Prof. C P Chandrashekhar, N K Sharma, Kajal Ghosh, Vivan Sundaram, M K Raina,  Rajendraprasad, Prof. Surajit Majumdar, Prof. Archana Prasad, Prabir Purkayastha, Subodh Varma, K M Tiwari, D Raghunandan, Dr. Amit Sengupta, Adv. Somdutt Sharma, Sudhanva Deshpande, Malayashree Hashmi,  Vijay Prashad, Pushpendra Grewal, Maimoona Mollah, Asha Sharma, Subhash Lamba, A K Bhatnagar etc.

M L Malkotia, Treasurer of CITU is the Convenor and P Krishnaprasad, Babumohan, A R Sindhu and Anurag Saxena are joint convenors of the reception committee. Different sub committees are also formed for Camps, Railway Stations, Stage, Rally, Decoration, Medical, Transport, Cleaning and sanitation, Volunteers etc.

The reception Committee will make wide publicity of this historic rally among various sections of the society in and around Delhi. Songs, dramas, short films etc are being prepared to take the issues to the people using all mediums. Posters, festoons, etc are being prepared and wall writings are made in Delhi NCR.

Preparations are going on in Delhi to receive five lakh workers, peasants and agricultural workers from all over the country. This includes more than twenty thousand participants from Kerala and more than ten thousand from West Bengal. Organisations of employees – Bank, Insurance, State and Central government etc are coming in large number for the rally. Arrangements for accommodation are made in two camps one in Delhi and another in Gaziabad.  Apart from these camps people have already booked in hotels, dharmashalas etc. Preparations are also going on to make the rally colourful and attractive.

The meeting was attended by the Leaders of CITU, AIKS, AIAWU and Federations of employees.

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