CITU Conference begins with Clarion call for Unity of the Working People

Against the anti people policies of Modi Government and Defend the constitution of India
Demands repeal of CAA-
Solidarity with Fighting workers of France
Solidarity with people of Jammu and Kashmir

16th all India Conferenc of CITU began today, 23 January 2020 with the hoising of the flag by K Hemalata, President CITU. 7 torches from 7 places of martyrs were received before the beginning of the conference by the all India leaders. Delegates paid respectful tribute to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, on his birth anniversary. In the opening session began with the welcome address by Com.A Soundara Rajan, Chairman, Reception Committee.
K Hemalata welcomed the delegates to the 16th conference which is being held on the occasion of Golden jubilee of CITU and the Centenary of the first central trade union of India, AITUC. She congratulated the delegates for their efforts for the successful strike on 8 January 2020 and called upon them to further intensify the struggles to change the policies. The President of World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) Com. Michael Makwayiba greeted the conference. He said that in a globalised world, it is very important that we that the working class develop international solidarity and action. 
The conference was greeted by the representatives of all central trade unions R P K Murugesan (Vice President , INTUC), Amarjeet Kaur (General Secretary, AITUC), C A Rajasreedhar (President, HMS), K Radhakrishnan (President, AIUTUC), P V Katiravan (Vice President , TUCC), Ashok Ghosh , G S UTUC), Shankar, Vice President of AICCTU, Sonia George (SEWA), and P Shanmugham M P (General Secretary, LPF).
The conference passed resolution moved by K Hemalata in solidarity to the French rail and road transport workers who are on strike for over 50 days demanding the withdrawal of the changes in the pension policy in the name of ‘pension reforms’ by the reactionary Macron government.
Com. Tapan Sen, General Secretary, CITU placed the resolution demanding the repeal of CAA and rejection of NCR and NPR. CAA is an assault by the BJP government on the secular foundation of the Constitution of India. The resolution called upon the workers of the country to carry forward the movement uniting all other toiling and democratic sections of the people till the above demands are met. The resolution was unanimously passed with slogans of ‘hum kagaz nahi dikhayenge’ and ‘hum uttar nai batayenge’ (we will not show the papers and we will not reply to the queries of NPR) by the delegates. 
The opening session also passed a resolution in solidarity with the people of Jammu and Kashmir  moved by J S Majumdar, Vice President CITU for Restoration of People’s and Workers Rights there. 
Issued by 
A R Sindhu
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