Tapan Sen MP and CITU General Secretary writes to CM Maharashtra regarding national disaster of Malin village in Ambegaon, Pune

 1st August 2014
Shri Prithviraj Chavan
The Chief Minister of Maharashtra
Mumbai – 400 032
Dear Shri Prithviraj Chavan ji,
I am writing this letter with much shock and anguish on the national disaster and tragedy causing death of more than 200 Adivasi men, women and children and wiping out of the entire Malin village in Ambegaon in Pune district of your State due to landslide triggered by heavy rains.
It is reported that your government had had adequate warning months before when repeated smaller landslips had occurred. Yet, no preventive measures were taken by the government.
The flow of the backwaters of the nearby Dimbha dam may be one of the causes. Yet, recently, JCP heavy machines were being used on the hillside under MNREGA under Padkai scheme in gross violation of the Act. Despite strong opposition by the local Adivasis the government did not prohibit their use.
My organization, the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) urges you to institute an impartial enquiry to the causes leading to the disaster pin pointing failures and complicity.
CITU also demands that compensation be paid to the families of the deceased and injured; and proper rehabilitation of the surviving people be made without delay.
With kind regards,
Yours Sincerely
(Tapan Sen)
General Secretary
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